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Community Fishing Report - Idaho Fishing Resources

My Collected Knowledge on How and When to Go Fishing in Southern Idaho

I hope you find this information useful, catch lots of fish!

Major Idaho Fishing Resources

These sites offer information worth checking if you're thinking about going out soon. You'll want to make sure your boat ramp is in the water, that there is no toxic algae bloom in the area, etc. The section also lists some of my favorite locals business and people who also provide fishing reports. You can also click the button below if you want to listen to a rant about the value (or lack of value) in fishing reports and why CFR is even here.

Here's another little soapbox moment. It's easy to criticize Idaho Fish and Game. You can talk with plenty of anglers who don't like how they run things. Heck, you can talk to biologists who used to work for F&G who left because they didn't like how things were run. But there's no way you can make everyone happy, in fishing just like in all of life. The folks who work there mean well and they provide a lot of useful information about fishing. And when it comes right down to it, they set the rules and it's our job to play by them. You'll see that for every location listed, a link to the IDF&G page is provided. Don't trust this site for any regulations info, don't trust your parents, don't trust your friends, don't trust some expert on the internet. Read. The. Rules. For. Yourself.

About CFR
IDF&G Fishing

Toxic Algae

These start earlier and earlier each year :/ The location of this interactive map has moved over the last few years, so your bookmark may be broken.

Hydromet Pacific Northwest

This site has visual representations of reservoir storage levels, boat ramp accessibility, and river flows across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Incredibly useful to consult before driving hours to a lake which turns out to be just mud or a river which is so full it's unfishable.

See Lakes & Rivers
Idaho State Park Passport

Buy this. No, seriously, buy it. Next time you register your vehicle. If you go to any State Park two days out of the entire year it paid for itself.

Learn More
Tight Lines 208

Here's your first actual fishing report resource. The fellow running this has been doing the fishing reports for Idaho Statesman for years and years, he knows his stuff, he's a good guy, and he offers classes too.

Visit The Site
Anglers Boise Fly Shop

Full disclosure, I know the guy who owns the shop think the world of him. There are other good fly shops in Boise too. I generally like the reports which show up here from time to time best out of all the ones in town. The fly shop is also a great place to stop if you are getting into the style of fishing for the first time. They will treat you right.

Fishing Report